Happy New Year! 2017 is a 1 Year in Numerology - The start to a new cycle. How can you plant seeds through your actions this year?These are exciting, yet challenging times... It's time to step up to the next level this year and really plant some real life materialistic actions and foundations. Number 1 is the beginning of the next 9 year cycle in our lives. As 2017 starts on a Mercury Retrgrade, we have space in the beginning of this year for deep reflection... And anything that starts with "re-" - For example: Re-flecting, Re-evaluating, Re-membering, Re-leasing... It's a great time to step back, slow down and analyzes what you really want to do so that by 8th January, you can put the actions into work.
Yoga Tips For This Month - Connect To Your Intuition
Tera Kaur Updates - January in BarcelonaDreaming bigger, loving deeper - And exploring "Connection". 2016 made me see things very differently... It was as if the last 5 years was leading up to that point of expansion, where I felt drawn to take leaps (as many of us have done so too!). Part of that leap was to really integrate what "Connection" and "Trust in the process" really means... the funny thing is, I had to let go of a lot to really do this. From a physical level (moving from London) to my need to want to control the journey. Then, things really did shift! For me, 2017 is an opportunity to explore what connection is as it comes. I will be posting updates of my new seeds/plans during this month as I tune in along the way! Please check this website and OM Barcelona for more details to come. In the meantime, I am in Barcelona doing one-to-one sessions and classes. >> Book A Session Here Comments are closed.